Registration services in Austria

Register your company under the appropriate supervision in Austria. The professionals are in charge of overseeing the online process, as well as verifying that registrants acquire timely notifications and tracking their answers.

Company registration

The first step in beginning a business in Austria is to obtain a trade license. You can do this by submitting your personal information, business name and location, and type of business to the local district authority. In addition, you will need to register your company with the Austrian Commercial Register.

Virtual office registration

Foreign companies can use virtual office services in Austria. The office can be utilized as a point of contact for clients or business partners. The virtual office is similar to a liaison office in Austria, with the exception that it does not need to be registered with the Trade Register.

Legal address registration

Your business name and activity must be approved by the Austrian Commercial Registry Office, often known as HRA. It is the government agency in charge of regulating the formation of businesses, as well as registering them and providing other services related to business formation.

Trademark registration

Austria is a signatory of the Madrid Protocol. To obtain trademark protection in Austria, you must either register locally with the Österreichische Patentamt (ÖPA) or regionally with the Europäische Patentamt (EPA). The Madrid Protocol includes Austria as a signatory.

Brand-name registration

The Trademark Protection Act (260/1970, Federal Law Gazette) establishes the national legal framework for trademarks. Its rules implement the EU Trademark Directive (89/104/EEC), which sought to largely harmonize EU member states’ national trademark laws.

Patent registration

A patent can be filed unilaterally if the place of residence or a branch office is in Austria, i.e. without representation. If neither the place of residence nor a branch office is in Austria, a professional representative must be designated who is lawfully authorized to represent the client in Austria (patent lawyer, law firm, or notary’s office). 

Business opportunities in Austria

Austria provides a diverse range of commercial prospects for foreign investors, including finance and financial support for SMEs, research and development, firm beginnings, investments, and innovative technology.

Austria is a highly individualistic and respected country, and as a result, it expects high standards from its business partners. Any unethical activity will have a detrimental impact on future business negotiations.

Business solutions

Foreign citizens are permitted to start a firm, serve as managing directors, and purchase a corporation in Austria. Press the button below to see our business solutions in Austria.

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